
Friday, 14 August 2015

Update on our Political Party

First – lots of thanks to the few people (just about 7 persons) who volunteered to support and steer the process of registering our political party. Many people feel that making an impact in Kenya’s political process can only be done by superheroes but really that is not the case. All we require is a dose of courage and commitment to a cause! 

We have submitted a list of names to the registrar of political parties – and we are waiting for a call any time now on the available name. Our bet is that we get “Equality Party of Kenya – EPK.” This name will be in tandem with our biggest campaign issue and policy contribution – i.e., the reform of electoral act in Kenya to allow for Proportional Representation through a Party List System

The current electoral system of 1st by the post is responsible to endemic tribalism, corruption and nepotism/Clientelism. It also denies the country opportunity to have the best candidates serve our people in positions of leadership. Under the current electoral system it is next to impossible to have a Turkana, Pokot, Giriama or Ongiek lead this country regardless of how brilliant they may be.  

Our party will work to emphasize to Kenyans that in the current global political and economic situation, our country needs to shift focus competition among tribes to regional and international competition. It is a huge shame that while our tourism industry has virtually collapsed, Tanzania’s hotels are perpetually overbooked. It is a shame that while the Kenya Airways is virtually bankrupt – and may well go the Uchumi Supermarket way (afloat but perpetually sickly), Rwanda Air is taking up to the skies with stunning excellence and Kigali will in the coming few years overtake Nairobi as the regional hub.

To address the challenges we face in the new-Kenya we need to provide opportunity for each and every Kenyan – every single one of us to live up to the fullest of their potential. The ‘scarcity mentality’ has led us to believe that we need to elbow out people from other tribes or religion or gender from positions of service and it  needs to change. This will be brought about by an electoral system that assures equality for all. This is what our party stands for. 

There is a saying “success has many fathers, but failure is an orphan.” Right now as we struggle to register our party, we are not getting much support. I need to say, we are serious in this engagement so please join us – Today! 

I may not even serve in any position in the party or political office, but one thing I know is that we all need to contribute to make our country better. I am doing my bit because I have the time and the energy (for now at least). Do not just stand by the side-lines (and continue to complain); take action today.  

Once we have received provisional registration – hopefully in the coming two weeks, we shall have 6 months to register a minimum of 24,000 members from at least 24 counties. We can do it with your support. If you would like to become one of the founder members – it is a very prestigious thing to do, write to us, on ‘’ Take action today.

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