
Wednesday, 13 June 2012

Health Financing - A challenge that can be overcome

Approximately 1.3 billion people in the world cannot access healthcare because of cost. Here at home in Kenya, many people lack access to affordable drugs, surgery and other interventions. To be sure up to 40% of sick people in Kenya fail to go to hospital for fear they cannot meet the costs of drugs and other charges. A further 1 million get into poverty each year because of some illness in their family.

Several solutions to these challenges have been proposed, including comprehensive health insurance, cost sharing through user fees, and community/micro health insurance schemes. The reason why none of these strategies have been adopted on any broad scale lies with the challenge of sustainability and scale-ability.

I have been working on the development of a Sustainable Health Delivery Model for Sexual and Gender minorities in Kenya. The pilot is due to be rolled out mid-to-end of June. I would be happy to share with anyone working in this field on the lessons we are learning on the way. It would be great to exchange knowledge and experiences with others working and/or having a passion for an affordable health financing mechanism around the globe.

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