
Sunday, 5 July 2015

Why Impeach Deputy President William Ruto.

The 2010 constitution is a game changer and there are many in power will do anything to undermine its implementation. One of the most remarkable provisions is to be found in article 1, which holds that - All sovereign power belongs to the people of Kenya and shall be exercised only in accordance with this Constitution. In this country citizens do not exist at the pleasure of the government or those who hold power. In fact it is those in power who continue to be in government at the pleasure of the people of Kenya. 

The constitution has created opportunity for any Kenyan who strongly feels that a holder of public office should be relieved of that responsibility to seek for such to be done. In the case of Deputy President, this is what the constitution says: 150. (1) The Deputy President may be removed from office: (b) on impeachment- (i) on the ground of a gross violation of a provision of this Constitution or any other law;

We have reason to believe that the deputy president has severally violated provisions of the Kenya constitution, which holds in article 8 that: There shall be no State religion. The constitution also has the following provisions:
2. (1) This Constitution is the supreme law of the Republic and binds all persons and all State organs at both levels of government.
(2) No person may claim or exercise State authority except as authorised under this Constitution.
3. (1) every person has an obligation to respect, uphold and defend this Constitution.

We believe that the Deputy President repeatedly violates the constitution when he says that Kenya is “is a God fearing nation” and that Kenyan citizens who are gay should “look for other countries.” By calling for the stripping of citizenship of Kenyans who happen to be gay and want their constitutionally guaranteed rights respected, the Deputy President violates the provision of the constitution on citizenship which provides in article 13. (1) Every person who was a citizen immediately before the effective date retains the same citizenship status as of that date; and being gay or advocating for the basic human rights of people who are gay, is not one of the grounds for loss of citizenship.

We therefore call on all Kenyans of good will to join hands together and do the right thing - defend our constitution as obligated in article 3 (1);  and start impeachment proceedings against our beloved, but holy Deputy President William Ruto.