
Friday, 13 February 2015

Shared Nakumatt Supermarket...

Every now and then, a stranger walks up to me and says “You are Eric Gitari, Right?” and of course I respond that I am not – because in fact I am not Eric Gitari. Now Eric Gitari is a good friend, but he would be disappointed if I or anyone else went around telling people that we are him – perhaps he would even accuse us of impersonation.  

Early this week, a guy – who I never got his name, walked to me at the Junction Nakumatt and insisted that I am/was Eric Gitari – which I refuted, but I in the process discovered a way of dealing with this Eric Gitari thing. I told him, “I am not Eric Gitari, but I get where you are coming from….”

The “….I get where you are coming from…” seemed to have created a shared experience, because not only did he relax, but it also saved both of us a long conversation about whom we were or were not. Indeed after that he happily said, “I just wanted to say hi…” as he went about his own shopping. 

This article is about creating this “shared experience.” On the 17th of this month (February), in partnership with GALCK, we shall be hosting a workshop at a venue in town. The workshop will discuss recent research on same sex sexuality, i.e., history, science, human rights conventions etc. Prof. Marc Epprecht of Queens University will be the featured key note speaker, but Galck will also host a panel discussion on the same topic.

On our part, we shall be launching this publication on “Economic rationale for advocating for sexual minorities.” We believe that advocacy for any socially excluded community should also be about social and economic benefits that derive from social inclusion. This task should not be left only to the socially excluded but to everyone who believes in social inclusion – because inclusion benefits all of us and exclusion hurts us all. 

Of particular note is Part Four, of this publication. It details, easy to implement actions, that you can take – from the comfort of your own chair (or even internet enabled phone), to increase social inclusion.  Please read this section, and if you plan on attending the workshop, we shall discuss it some more with you at the workshop. 

Also remember, we have proposed this “middle of the way” review of the existing sections of the law that criminalize sexual minorities. Please do forward a copy to a progressive Member of Parliament who can act as its champion on the floor of the house. 

Details of the workshop venue will soon be posted on Galck’s facebook page here and on my own here.