
Thursday, 17 July 2014

Is the world becoming too dangerous?

They called it ‘Narco Emotions.’ “Social media platforms have emerged as prominent information sharing ecosystems in the context of a variety of recent crises…” so much so, we are increasingly getting desensitized to all the senseless killing happening around us.

Open Facebook or Twitter account and you will get newsfeed from across the globe about all these killings – whether it’s the Malaysian airlines – both flights, the Israel – Palestinian conflict and countless others.

Here in Kenya, we have attacks in the coastal towns of Lamu, Tana River, and almost the entire Northern Kenya region – it seems like we are in this vicious cycle of violence that threatens to take all of us.

We must begin, to build a virtuous circle of trust, confidence and mutual support. We should from our individual and collectives begin to do this, while we still can. This should, in my view be the “take away” message from all this horrible things happening around us.

The time to do it is now, that is the only protection we have, unfortunately we do not have much time, so please begin now – yes right now.